Teacher Account Help

Help Desk

What is the Teacher DEMO?
The Teacher DEMO allows FREE access to a limited number of full units for you and your students. There is no time limit or expiration. We do this so you know exactly what you are getting before you subscribe to our service. ☺

What are “Classrooms”?
Classrooms are the way you organize and manage your student groups.  All settings can be applied for each Classroom individually, which enables a custom experience depending on  the specific needs of the group. These customizations include: 

  • Enable or Disable main features such as Classroom Wall, Student Visibility, Certificates, and more.
  • Custom learning paths where you decide which units and activities are shown to the students.
  • Adjust the Activity difficulty and toggle things like Help and Restarts.
  • Customize certificates with your custom text and school branding.
So you see, how you facilitate your lessons with our platform, is completely up to you. ☺ 

What are “Student Seats”?
Student Seats are the amounts of virtual “places” a Teacher receives to enrol Students, when subscribing to any Tier licence in each purchased Module. With an active licence, Students enrolled in a Classroom have instantly access to all content (if not otherwise restricted by the Teacher), with most Features enabled by default.When a licence expires, Students will only have access to restricted TRIAL content & no further progress is possible, until the subscription is renewed…

How do I enrol my Students in a Classroom?
We have three ways to enrol students

  • The easiest and most basic way is student self-enrollment with the Classroom Key which is automatically generated for every new Classroom instance. You can view/modify the Classroom Key on the Classroom tab. Teachers should share the key with their Students, then the students simply need to register for a FREE student account, click JOIN CLASS and then enter the Classroom Key
  • Another way is to use the Quick Add tool where you can add a single student by email address.
  • The final way is to use the Bulk Student Add tool where you use a spreadsheet to import multiple students.

How is the Teacher Editions different from the SOLO Edition?
The SOLO Edition is a special version of the program for students or industry professionals who either want to do the course without a teacher or just want to use it as a reference.

Help! My student's name is spelled wrong on the certificate!
To adjust the name on a Certificate simply go to the Profile page and change the student's name. The Certificate should update to reflect the changes.

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Contact Support:
Business Information:

c/o English 4 Work
Folkungagatan 132c, Box #541
116 30 Stockholm

Email: info@english4work.com
Phone: +46 73 919 229